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Working as a CX (customer experience) Solution Provider
To Support the Sustainable Development of all Stakeholders
With Targets of 30% women on the Board and virtually zero CO2 emissions (carbon neutral) by 2030

Representative Director and President, CEO Daisuke Uehara

“Deliver What Society Needs Now.” Based on this corporate philosophy, the Company was established in 2007 with an outbound-focused contact center business. Even as our business model shifted to sales and marketing support for client companies, and now to a more comprehensive CX (customer experience) solution provider, our attitude of focusing ambitiously on results has remained unchanged.

Today, the world is facing a variety of issues, including climate change and human rights violations. Our commitment to "Deliver What Society Needs Now" drives us to take the initiative in resolving any sustainability-related issues. We think that by taking this strategy, we become a company that the world wants to work with, which consequently raises our corporate value.

We established a Sustainability Committee in November 2021 to promptly and effectively implement measures relating to sustainability. The committee meets quarterly, and the entire group is working together to address significant sustainability issues.

Many of the Group's Material Issues are related to human capital, such as "Job Creation and HR Development," "Job Satisfaction," and "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion." The Group’s central business is sales and marketing support for client companies, and we believe that human resources are our most important asset. We recruit employees from a wide range of backgrounds without sorting people by gender, age, nationality, or the hours that they can work, etc. Making the most of a diverse workforce is not just one of our organization’s core values in human resources but also a strength.

In fact, we have diverse people working in the Group, including those who are parenting, caring for a family member, working two jobs, or pursuing a dream. Career advancement is possible according to individual results, and there are numerous instances where non-regular employees have become regular employees.

We will continue to work to achieve further Human Capital Management so that we can improve our ability to respond to the globalization of society and create innovation, thereby enhancing corporate value even further.

With regard to governance, we see diversity not only among site workers but also among decision-makers as an important issue. To increase the diversity of the Board of Directors, the central decision-making body of the Company, we have set a quantitative goal of increasing the percentage of women on the Board to 30% by the end of March 2030 (Material Issue "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion").

In the environmental area, Material Issue of "Climate Change and Natural Disasters" is an issue that the entire human race can no longer wait to address. With the understanding that the Company, which has a business model with low environmental impact, is no exception, we aim to achieve virtually zero CO2 emissions (carbon neutral) in the Company through the use of electricity and other measures by 2030, which is the target year of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and we will contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and adaptation to climate change through the active use of renewable energy, etc.

DX has advanced significantly in recent years, with new digital services like QR code payments and food delivery services being developed, as well as a rise in non-face-to-face communication styles in many contexts, not just business. We use our collective sales and marketing expertise to assist in the social implementation of these new services. Simultaneously, we are concentrating on enhancing our own operational effectiveness and productivity by introducing BI tools and leveraging AI. In order to advance DX, we have established goals and plans to keep working to secure and grow human resources in the systems sector. Our ultimate goal is to use DX to generate new value (Material Issue "DX Promotion").

As the world undergoes change at a bewildering pace, sustainability measures must also similarly change and never end. We will continue to ask, “What does our society need now?” and work to gain the trust of all stakeholders while making our best efforts to contribute to the development of a sustainable society through our business activities.

I request your continued support for the Direct Marketing MiX group.

Daisuke Uehara
Member of the Board of Directors
President and CEO, Representative Executive Officer
Direct Marketing MiX Inc.