Direct Marketing MiX Group (Direct Marketing MiX Inc. and all its subsidiaries collectively; “the Company”) supports ethical marketing and comply with laws and regulations in each country and region where we conduct business activities. We apply this policy to all of our executives and employees to make responsible marketing communications.
・We make efforts for proper and easy-to-understand expression and display that do not cause misunderstandings among customers and business partners regarding the services we provide.
・We promote responsible and ethical marketing practices, always with objective and consistent evidence of social benefit and environmental considerations.
・As for marketing communications for children, we make efforts not to provoke misunderstanding with inappropriate expressions or excessive recommendations, etc. We agree with the “Guidelines for Advertising and Marketing that Affect Children” formulated by the Save the Children – Japan (Public Interest Incorporated Association (PIIA)) and ISO26000 and are never involved in activities that harm the interests of the socially vulnerable. We are careful so that marketing communications made by the Company do not have negative impacts on children’s rights.
・We will not engage in any conduct that may damage the credibility of other companies by telling untrue information about their products and services to our customers and business partners.
・We always pay attention to all customers irrespective of their differences in race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, creed, native place, sex, age, disability, LGBTQ, etc. and never use discriminatory and aggressive expressions.